
May 4, 2017

Metadata service & two-phase commit


I have an app in the works (to be announced) and one of its components is a metadata service that manages users, credentials, and basically any other data a web app would typically have. I’m doing something different with this app. I’m not using a database server! All of my data is being stored locally using lm2, my key-value store. The other neat thing it does is use a two-phase commit protocol with another instance of itself to replicate data.

I could go into a lot of detail about how it works and how it’s implemented, but I want to keep this post short, so I’ll just talk about its two-phase commit implementation. Before I do that, I need to quickly describe the high level design.

The metadata service is an HTTP API that has three components:

  1. A set of RESTful, read-only metadata endpoints
  2. A single “do” write endpoint
  3. A set of endpoints to provide a log abstraction

Read and write endpoints

The read-only metadata endpoints are things like GET /users/1. Typical REST stuff.

The write endpoint, specifically POST /do, handles all modifications. It’s not very RESTful, but that’s OK because it’s designed to handle complicated, transactional operations through a single endpoint. In my client library, methods like service.CreateUser(User{}) are all implemented to call the /do endpoint with a special payload. I’ll talk about this payload in the next section.

Log abstraction

This is the most interesting part. The metadata service is designed like a fully versioned database. Each operation payload sent to the /do endpoint has its own version and is stored on a commit log. Specifically, it’s an lm2log, and which I already wrote about recently.

The log abstraction exposes endpoints to prepare, commit, rollback, and retrieve log records. The /do endpoint actually runs a lot of the code used by the log since it’s basically a wrapper around the log operations.

The log abstraction isn’t used by clients of the metadata service. It’s only used by other instances of the metadata service as part of two-phase commit operations.

Two-phase commit

The fact that I’m not using a database server means I don’t have the convenience of using some built-in replication mechanism. I still wanted my metadata service to be replicated, so I added some two-phase commit logic into the /do endpoint.

I have two instances of the metadata service. There’s one primary and one replica. Only the primary handles writes, and it runs log operations on the replica.

Here are the two-phase commit stages that are run as part of a /do operation:

  1. Prepare locally
  2. Prepare on the replica
  3. Commit locally
  4. Commit on the replica
  5. Acknowledge write

1 and 2 can be rolled back. From stages 3 and up, there’s no turning back. If things can’t move forward for some reason, the service will just crash. On startup, the primary instance always checks to see if it’s in sync with the replica. If it’s not in sync and still can’t get in sync after attempting to do so, it’ll keep crashing. I’m clearly picking consistency over availability.

Misc details

Final thoughts

This post doesn’t have a lot of detail, but it’s longer than what I wanted already. I can write about specific failure scenarios in future posts.

I’m thinking about open sourcing the core two-phase commit code as a package. I’d like to reuse this stuff for other services anyway.

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Dec 26, 2024